Friday, April 27, 2012

El arte de ayudar / The art of helping. Dancing and proposing at Vanguardia Latina: La Agenda Latino-hemisférica

About ten points I’m absolutely sure in the art of helping / el arte de ayudar:

1.  You gotta love to help, to serve

2. Unless one takes pleasure in helping, serving has impact and meaning. Without JOY no one serves at all.

3. If you help/serve for “show,” it won’t ever really help and it crushes the merit.
4.  Everything is a service: writing, cooking, building, cleaning, composing, leading, teaching, collecting, harvesting, seeding, sewing, singing, dancing, smiling. 
5. No service is more important than the other. They all help.
6. “We” are always serving and being served. A L W A Y S . Siempre. 
7. “We” are here to help/serve. But “to help” it’s a little bit more INTENSE and beyond...

8. We all have thorns / thornments ...espinas.

9. Some beings have more thorns than they can handle.
10. When trying to help the thornmented one:

  •  you can get hurt (don’t step back)
  •  always help the one who ask for help
  •  don’t bring your own thorns into the battle field
  •  don’t expect “good results" (it will always help no matter what)

Helping it’s not “only” about giving money, clothes, food and school... it’s about inspiring to wake up the measure of splendor that we all are capable to plant in people’s life 

through the joy of service.


Right now we are in Washington D.C. and we just danced at the Inter-American Development Bank,
Mayra and myself were turning with healthy fury :)
We were invited to participate to one of the most amazing conferences: Vanguardia Latina 2012: Latin-hemispheric agenda
Vanguardia Latina it’s an amazing solid platform that is inviting young participants to construct a better hemisphere, thanks to Espacio Vinculación in collaboration with OECD, UNESCO, SEGIB, USA politicians, academics renown universities and social leaders, among others. <---------very Wow "others"

You CAN'T imagine how happy, how complete, how lucky, and how useful we feel having the chance to dance and to assist to the conferences and to be part of the discussions, debates and on line forums. Our dream has come true: a platform of amazing people (our Latin-american generation)  where we can find SOLUTIONS, and give proposals,-- realistic proposals--, tangible, practical, simple ideas and plans that we can apply right away.

Vanguardia Latina transmisión en vivo en todo el mundo

Tomorrow we are dancing at the building of the Organization of American States. We want to thank to all the wonderful people behind Vanguardia Latina for your faith and support in our work and to all the amazing youth that it's involve in such FANTASTIC humanitarian projects.


follow my twitter or facebook where I will be sharing personal notes, thoughts... and dance.


Always at your service



a very happy

Directora Artística del Ballet de la Compasión / D' T Danzers

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