Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fantasia Mexicana, Episode No.1

It was very difficult to see, we didn't know that the new protection for our masks was going to
leave us almost blind. Dancing with amber coals can get pretty HOT.
Spinning fire coals match the [circular] motion of the arms at 177 km/h under a rain of sparks.
But in this performance I was specially blind.

We went to dance to Los Angeles. We were at an amazing Youth Shelter.
A shelter open the 24/7 to the abandoned teenagers, to the runaway kids;
this is a space where the combination of  words like :
"juvenile prostitutes", "drug addicts", "youth gun violence and gangs"
are VERY familiar.

As a performing artist you develop this kind of ability where you are
able to read the energy of the public that you are trying to feed with your art.
When the public is totally engage in the -- art moment-,
I personally feel a flower opening in my chest.

There we were, dancing for all these sheltered youth, almost blind, trying to follow the music, jumping, turning on time with the choreography, moving in furious concentration,
and when I opened my mind towards the public, I read no reaction ---ONLY SILENCE---.
"Oh nooo!!!", I thought, "we failed! maybe they didn't like the music!".
(weird, because I was feeling the flower blossoming in my chest)

Before the performance we had the chance to eat with them.
We knew they were a difficult public, oh yes, and I didn't want to dance any music
they know, like hip hop, rap...dubstep, specially nothing "sexy".
I wanted to confront them with the most beautiful ethereal forces of sound.
And we kept turning and shaking the body! and dancing with all our might!
the SILENCE still there! (and the flower is blooming so so so big)
oh oh oooh no!
we finished.
they started to ask for more.
I TORE out my mask, breathed and I could finally see!
We lived the most wonderful silence: they were eating each one of our best intentions.
They were frozen, in complete awe, holding their wide open heart on anti-gravity state.
that's what they said to us. They came and hugged us. 
They helped us clean our things, they told us about their dreams, their plans.

we secretly cried rainbow tears.

My dear family and friends, we The Tea Dancers / Ballet de la Compasion,
are going to have a fundraising event, and we need your gifts, support and love,
because we love to be a sparkle to people in their darkness.
We love to freeze in silence.

Save the date: Agosto 20th and 21st.

this event is going to be SWEET!

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