Thursday, March 31, 2011

My upcoming poem book

Just wanted to make some (soft) noise
my new book is coming up this year.
All my poems from my childhood till 2002,
i'm happy and feeling brave, to share the naked soul
but full with
mucho amor.

This is a 2011 poem:


After a windy, rainy, grayish endless winter
(we though we're not going to survive)
after the tsunami, earthquakes and quotidian wars
(we love you Japan)
after a flue, a funeral, and dramatic movements at work...
we start to wake up chipper again. 
Happiness is
nothing more than being free of worry. 
We are bare foot,
the warm wind is dancing through the open window
tons of healthy oranges appear at the kitchen
a cat panther is jumping in the front yard
the teapot sings it's blissful howl. 
Happiness is
nothing more than being free of worry.