Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sharing old notes and quotes (photos by natta @ Oakland Hills)

"Those of our human kind who have done the most to ameliorate the life of human on Earth 
have not been the scientists, with all their wonderful and laudable discoveries, 
nor the inventors or technicians, nor leaders of industrialism, nor the captains and the kings and the statesmen,  but the *prophets and *saints." 

"The works of artist and men of letters outlive the deeds of business men, soldiers and statesmen. 

The poets and philosophers outrage the historians; while the prophets and saints over top and outlast them all." 

"Now who are the individuals who are the greatest benefactors of the living generation of mankind?
I should say: Confucius, and Lao-tse, The Buddha; the Prophets of Israel and Judah; Zoroaster, Jesus, Muhammad and Socrates".

Professor Arnold J. Toynbee
Oxford University Press
New York, 1948

kidnapping lights by natta
