Sunday, March 23, 2008

''''''why i'm doing this blog thing?"

Because my mother ask me to let her know more about what I am doing, [??]
Because my friends and family loves me and also want to know-know more about my life.
I'm sorry to be so unplugged disconnected these last years, I was in a cave talking with...I can not say : )
this is the text that I chose from my private dairy in January, I think this was [in essence] the thought that I liked the most:

3:13 AM 1/20/2008
"I really need to take some cooking lessons.
Today I went to fix my bike, some little details. My roommate took my bike for me and i rollerblade to the bike-shop. I was not that hungry when we back home but I decided to start cooking because i'm trying to eat at noon and 6pm like in the temple, with or with out hungry.
I started cooking in rollerblades [very funny], rolling from right side to left side all these vegetables that I have from my work at the farmers market. I began chopping [as usual] then I finished mixing all what I found [as usual] but this time I took Un Mole Verde Doña Maria [a mexican green hot sauce, not usual]
why not? - I thought.
Finally we had a very strange i don't know what that i really didn't want to try it but i did... and it was good, I served organic pasta with this funny green stuff.
Blackwell my roommate is so nice and gentle [as usual] and he ate everything, anyway i felt sorry for my green stuff, i don't know why. I just miss the food from Mexico, and i think that this is why I can, very easy, to lose my hungry; I need to eat not only Mexican food, but eat in Mexico!. Paciencia, paciencia... I will.
Despues me fui a trabajar a San Francisco, con un poco de impaciencia, todavia no empezaba cuando ya me queria ir... tuve un poco de mal humor, quien sabe porque mi sonrisa no estaba luminosa, y estoy empezando a ensimismarme o-tra-vez en mi misma
: )
super mismisima de mi... que raro, porque esta mañana tuve un sueño
EXTRAORDINARIO, soñe con mi gran y maravilloso Dharma King, en verdad es raro que sueñe con semejante luminosidad. En fin lo unico que me acuerdo es que todo estaba muy claro, y que sabia que no me iba a acordar de nada.

En verdad amaneci muy contenta. El problema de soñar tan bellamente es que
cuando despierto es muy dificil que me guste "la vida real" aqui sola en este pais
en medio del invierno a donde hace mucho frio y en guerra.
Alors mantenaint je vais aller me coucher."

.............................. *.....................................

10:27 PM 1/21/2008

Ayer en la noche no podia dormir, me levante, fui a la cocina y de pura
suerte me encontre con cinco galletitas de la good luck from Panda Express.
ujuuu... me las comi todas! En los mensajes venian enunciados muy interezantes
como: --"We live All what we arises with our thoughts", "Advancement will come with hard work"; "Ability will enable a man to get to the top, but character will keep him from falling"; "Do onto others as you wish others to onto you" and
y asi me fui a dormir mas tranquila.
: )

y aqui otra cosita:

here what Einsteins said:
The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions.
Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it.
Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life.

this is in February:

6:40 PM 2/4/2008
A friend just told me that one day after 911 this country had 17 million Prozac descriptions.
Just one day after the boom!, can you imagine how many people a week later they had Prozac prescription?, plus all the drugs I mean U.S.A is one if not the firsts country drug consumer, plus all the alcohol problems in adults and youth... this country is really NUMBING.
I will write something DEEP for March but later.
Now I go to sleep.

su querida natta que los adora.
: )

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