Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Pumping shadows in da' parkin lot of a moon.

Mi corazon sigue bombeando con las valvulas que el Misterio me dio' bastante bien.

my heart keeps pumping okay.

Yesterday night before close my eyes deep into dark sleep, i remembered when I learned the expression "heading to..." happen to be I was at the train when a young black boy, kind of gangster raper looking, approach to the self of mine :) and asked me if he could use my phone, he needed to make an important phone call. I gently said no because my phone doesn't have reception underground and I asked his name, I don't remember his name I just wanted to be his friend, he smiled and then asked me "where are you heading to...' something like that, I didn't understand so I ask him to explain that expression, and he did, then I asked him to write it down for me in a paper... gangs-rapers usually don't do that, I know he was feeling strange but he did. And there we were learning to be gentle and loosing fear. I'll never forget.

ohh yes I forgot ... this is a video of a shadow of myself in some parking lot in da moon crater of Los Angeles.

Aqui presento un video de la sombra de lo que pienso soy yo en un estacionamiento lunatico
en el crater de Los Angeles.

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