Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Coming back from Eureka - De regreso de Eureka

Coming back from Eureka, five hours drive, tons of biutiful inmense redwoods (i bought a little giant for $2.50)
wonderful good luck after and before the best conference I have assisted.
i opened the window while driving
feeling free
feeling free

The order of  my to do list that always keep in my heart is reloaded:
-support the good and the good ones with all my forces
-keep dancing and training with more grace and softly non stop continuity (continuidad)
(softly is harder than hard :)
-support all those orgs, all those humans that support and empower -las mujeres [woman]
-give more energy to my mission*
-have more patience with the slowly time
-make more strong my message about enduring addictions especially alcohol
(alcoholism in this planet is a pandemic...) but how?
-redoblar mi concentracion en mis estudios del idioma ingles (study more my englich ;)
-put in action my message to all the wetbacks, illegals, border-jumpers:
"por favor no venga a los Estamos Unidos y Asustados - Please don't come to the United Scares of America"
"Stay in your country and help your country; support your country, change your country"
-and keep being the most happy girl so i can make you all happy

to be continiu....


*my mission?
i am a bridge between english and spanish, between poor wetbacks and gringos, between chinesse and mexicanesse, between dancers and non dancers, between south and north & east and west,
between stubborn man and stubborn woman.  Soy un puente, just in the middle.

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