talking about other stuffs:
Mexico is a disgrace, i don't like Mexico anymore, all the news that i hear or read about "M" are just but BAD BAD terrrrrrrible disgusting news.
El govierno ultra derecha -right wing government- took the power of "Luz y fuerza" that means that electricity is going to be privatize and just like telephone company is gonna be mega super ultra expensive and they are leaving with out work to 60,000 people!!!
is ridiculous!!!
They were trying to privatizar PEMEX the mexican oil
and they are going to build their stupid airport in TULUM!!!!!!! it's horrible i mean somebody help us!!!!!! that means that they are going to destroy thousands of kilometers of the most prehistoric mystic biutiful JUNGLE!!! Does it mean that the wonderful pyramids of tulum are gonna be part of the airport decoration? maybe next to a McDonalds?
I feel useless
what else
oh si, the new "Berkeley Bowl" has a Peets coffee.
The Owner of Whole Foods has argued that American workers do not deserve a health care system :
And Pearl Jam confirms to be "tie-up to target corporation
I wouldn't get surprise if Bassnectar decides to sign up a contract to become the new face for Pantene Shampoo.
I'm sorry I was talking about Mexico and I end up in USA.
Maybe USA should add another star to his flag so we can be finally conquer and become another STATE of the United STATES of AMERICa, in this way USA can share his dollar with us and we wont have to be called Illegals or wet backs or poor people, no need to jump any border and "Mexican" governors wouldn't have to secretly give mexican oil, electricity, phone, and Tulum to the USA corporation.
relax natta
It is true, do not attach to anything, keep cultivating, perform good deeds, practice meditation, achieve high realization, transform your self in rainbow body and get out of here direct to fifth or seventh dimension because I don't see how sleepy selfish people can wake up.
ok let me think some good news in order i can finish this new post with a happy end...hmmmm ok, tomorrow is gonna rain, i was missing the rain,,, oh! i don't have umbrella, it doesn't work.
I think Obama didn't deserved yet the Nobel Peace Price, he needs to harvest more peace.
good news good newsssssss
where are you?
ouuh here you are:
good news!
i found a foto of Xanat (one of my best friends) and me in high school silly party
she was pocahontas i was a good girl...
i am a good girl.
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