Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dharma Masters,luterman, rab, carla,Adriana

One of the most important things is that we are getting old and we are gona death, bye bye.
Since every day we get old and old, but... there is nothing better than this peace that we obtain with the
coming of the time, we lost interest in so many stupid things, and we become better whit la technique in controlling Rush that lives within us.
I like to get wise-old, even if i have to payback with my body-car to the misterious master of: TIME.

Great and wonderful experiences i have lived:

1.- My great and so beautiful Dharma Master Long Hui came to my home with Dharma Master Ruo Hui and two wonderful monastics, they finally had the time to have dinner with us, it was a pleasure and it was a wish that i had, "finally it become true".

2.- I went to the wedding of my friend Alison Luterman a great poet from the bay area, she married her boy friend Christofer, in a Jewish ceremony whit a very wonderful Rabbi, i confess that even if i descend from a jewish father, this is the first time i go to a jewish wedding, it was so funny and full of so special special open mind people. We drink like good ladies (i had a beer and champagne) but we ate like PIGSSSSSSS
we dance jippie songs and ... back home.

3.- My friend Adriana is visiting me, as every summer, Mayra is with me (as usual) and we have another visitor Marisol, we are a good group of mexicans exploring the world!!! :) I made them listen Random Rab and more music, but they kind of definitivamente like RandumRab, honestly i found his music very special and well done, easy to filter, poetical, funny, agradable, sensual.. so we decided to go to listen at him, the first option was a big BIG party full of burning man people, most of them we realized is old people in ridiculous disguises and tons of vampires (there's always simple band too) anyway some how marisol met this wonderful boy in another party, josue, Joshua, and he gave us three brazalets to get into the party!!! for free, GUauu!
but we couldn't get in because it was to late and to crowd.
I really didn't want to get into that party.

Happen to be that this RR was playing in a thing call ecstatic dance that is a kind of party alcohol free and you can't talk in the dance floor, and pro contact improv from 7 to 8 and the party ends at 11p.... ujuuuuuuu, very close of my casa, double ujuuuuuuuu!
It was very good experience to go listen RR, elegant music, fine transitions, goods up and downs,
mucho oooaaaa, doun douuu, tui tui, even tiki tas, and soft wompis that not bring you to depresion. My friends bought him his new album. We talk with him and he plays tons of instruments, i can say, and sings and plays the maracas too... i'm kidding, so RR is now in the list of OUR favoritos elctronicos.

I was talkin with Carla Zilbersmith, a dying woman, sorry, the cutest dying woman that i take care, she is an actress a comedian and because her disease we have to say a wonderful ex-singer.
She has bringing me back my wonderful and so good sense of humor that inner demons kidnapped once upon time agouuu, i had something trap in between my heart and my throat for a big big big "a while", a constriction so tangible. Can you believe me that a dying woman is healing me?
"learning to fun with everything equal to light the heavy-unbearable-mundane-everyday-tiny-details of life".

Sunday, July 5, 2009

a nice email para mi mama'

Querida madre,

Muchas gracias por esta carta, yo creo que es una carta que estaba esperando desde hace mucho.

Al fin ya supere' varias cositas, me siento mas desapegada y menos insegura, no me intereza caerle bien a la gente (tampoco me intereza caerles mal) pero si estoy aprendiendo a ser mas estricta empezando conmigo misma y con los demas sin tener que caer en la exageracion o en un golpe de estado, soy justa, me gusta escuchar a la gente pero ahora quiero vivir mi vida con ciertas normas de moral y conducta, me doy a respetar y finalmente intento respetar a todos y todo con toda mi awarnes y energia positiva.

Estos dias estoy practicando el silencio, me acuerdo muchisimo cuando tu y mi papa' Rodolfo me decian que en la escuela lo unico que tenia que hacer era quedarme cadallita, para mi ha sido un gran reto ya que uno de mis grandes regalos en esta vida es mi poder de comunicion, mi palabra es fuerte, penetra profundamente a todo ser humano que toque y como todo puede tener su parte sanadora, energetizante, positiva asi como el poder de destruir o causar mucho dolor o coraje... en pocas palabras es por mi boca que me he metido en grandes aprietos.

EStoy muy bien en mi trabajo, ya tengo fecha para dos exhibiciones de arte, mi estudio de pintura esta bellisimo, ya no trabajo con Nettie la viejita, pero sigo en el bar (soy la que cobro la entrada, y me quieren mucho TODOS, yo creo porque no tomo y tienen confianza en mi ya que manejo mucho dinero y NUNCA he tenido problemas con las cuentas, soy muy honesta y derecha) y sigo con Carla la seniora que tiene esta enfermedad incurable que se llama ALS que es una cosa como la de mi hermano pero la gene no vive mas de 4 anios y esta terrible, ahorita ya tengo que darle de comer a carla en la boca. Lo bueno es que tiene una cantidad de amigos y fans (ya que es una ex cantante) que la cuidan y la adoran, estan haciendole un documental un director que se gano un OSCAR y yo salgo en el socumental con Mayra bailando y cuidando a Carla y bueno ESTA MUJER ES SUPER ESPECIAL.
Espero puedas conocerla antes de que nos deje. Ella es la que me presto su biutiful garage para hacer mi taller.

Espero que te haya llegado una cartita que te mande (con 20 dollars) y fotos mias.
ojala que si.

Yo tambien voy a orar por la familia de mi tia Olga.

Te amo

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dentist day

I spent a day of my life on the way go to the dentist, with the dentist and coming back from the dentist, que tal eh? when I saw the student that was assigned as my future "dentist" i kind of wanted to buy him diapers, he is a baby, so freaking young! slow but gentle... All the students from
the UCSF (school of dentistry) are really cute (boys and girls) so funny:
Who wants to spend the rest of their life looking at open mouths?
I arrived so optimist and in less than 20 min. i was crying, all these angels dress in blue trained to torture.