Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mr. Greg, CAI New friends and The last of the Zapotecas

I found Mr. Greg Mortenson one day that i was surfing in the internet looking for TEA books to read. I'm a tea lover....the title of his book "Three cups of tea" kidnapped my attention. I ordered it on line, when it arrived to my home, i never imagine that it was going to change my life. Everything that i have found around tea, it's just amazing.

 Mr. Greg talking at the Gala Dinner Fundraiser in Santa Clara, California

 I confessed that after all these months of work and carrying with me flyers and posters everywhere, after the gala dinner my first thought was that i was going to have more time to focus in ALL the work that i have to do, my cycle with Mr. Greg was over in the most fantastic way.

 When the event was over and we all went to pick up the candles and flowers and all the stuff from the Central Asian Institute, I found  three little woman helping us, they were speaking a weird dialect, i knew they were from Mexico, so I spoke to them in spanish -"what are you speaking?", 
"where do you come from?" I smiled to them

-"We come from Oaxaca" they smile me back, hurrying in their work, "we speak Zapoteco".
Wouuuu Zapoteco is a language that is about to be extinct! They are from Oaxaca one of the beautifulest (and poorest) states of Mexico, what an amazing surprise.
-"Are you all family?" i asked them with even a bigger smile,
-"Yes, we all came together to America...hey ... but you speak very well Spanish" They were smiling even harder.
-"But of course I speak very well Spanish, I am Mexican!" I was laughing so hard
-"But why are you dress like one of them!, no, you are not Mexican!" they pointed to the Saree i was wearing.
I explained them that I was working as a volunteer for an organization that was focus in helping womans in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
I asked them if I they let me take a picture with them. They agree very happy.
When I asked them to write me their address so I can send them a copy, one of them told me that they didn't know how to write or read, that they never had the chance to go to school, she asked me to wait 5 min in order she can go and ask to her sun to write their address.
I was freeze with irony, imagine, I was working on an event to raise money and awareness for helping to build schools for WOMANS in Pakistan and Afghanistan, when just right here, in the middle of the American Empire, three little Zapotecas were illiterate. This is a big sign!, I won't stop to help Mr. Greg ever, i will continuous to spread his example, and never leave behind the mission of supporting woman's education in the entire WORLD. This is what i call the magic of life!.

With my sweet friend Sara. (Sara call me, you need to come to our up coming party!)
 I hope we all volunteers at the CAI can keep in touch. And thank you very much to all of you and all the directors and organizers of the CAI that gave us the chance to contribute with our seeds in this beautiful humanitarian mission.

                                  I love you Maureen  :)  Gracias for the carpool.


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