Monday, February 14, 2011

HAPPY valentino & Seven TITANS and Two Masters who Pacify Disasters.

If you are receiving this email it is because you are very special to me.
It is because no matter how far away you are, I really REALLY want to stay connected with you.
If you are receiving this email it is because you are on my golden list. 
This is not a newsletter, this is not a subscription, 
this is not a publicity, and much less i am trying to sell you Viagra;
this is pure love, this is fellowship, this is my tribe's list, the people that
by chance or by the universal mystery's laws have touched my life. 
There is no way to unsubscribe unless you block me (please don't!) 
or ask me: "please natta let me go", that's ok, but please don't!
I know everyone on this list, everyone!, and really: gracias 

This 2011 I will have the chance to interview some SUPER interesting people that 
impact me deeply and are bringing change to this world. I titled this collection of interviews: 
"Seven TITANS and Two MASTERS who pacify disasters"
It is beautiful, and I feel so lucky to have the chance to interview these people in my way; 
I hope that your soul's batteries of inspiration will be nourished. 

Feliz dia de San Valentinou, and please keep holding my hand.


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