Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Work, Trabajo, Lavoro, Le travail madames et messieurs!

It looks like the real work needs a little bit of Physics, Thermodynamics, human labor, theology and the most important... this kind of ability to exert pulls or PUSHES AGAINST the BASIC FORCES OF NATURE...along a path of certain length.
We need Energy, we need direction, we need a splendid heart, we need faith, we need a simple believe system with out limitations, and we need a impressive cognoscenti.
To get all of the above (i think) is the "work". 
There is no goal we can't achieve after we do the "work".


In physics:

Work: the amount of energy transferred by a force
W = F.d
work = Force and displacement

Work (thermodynamics): the quantity of energy transferred from one system to another

Human labor:

Labor (economics): measure of the work done by human beings

Manual labor: physical work done by people

Wage labor: in which a worker sells their labor and an employer buys it

Work (project management): the effort applied to produce a deliverable or accomplish a task

In theology:

Karma: causes the cycle of cause and effect, or Saṃsāra.

Work (Christian theology): acts of charity

Energy (Ancient Greek: ἐνέργεια energeia "activity, operation")
is an indirectly observed quantity. 
It is often understood as the ability a physical system has to do work on other physical systems.

 Since work is defined as a force acting through a distance (a length of space), energy is always equivalent to the ability to exert pulls or pushes against the basic forces of nature, along a path of a certain length.

Do your work, and I shall know you. Do your work, and you shall reinforce yourself. –
 Ralph Waldo Emerson

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