Sunday, February 2, 2014

On being small

Para leer en español AQUI

I've learned that most of the time when we get into troubles, it's due to
the subconscious search of needing recognition and the habit of finding
pleasure in thinking that we are "better" or "superior" to our neighbors,
brothers, colleagues or whatever we can compare ourselves to.
This silent search to be "superior to others" is one of the causes of
taking things very personally--resulting in our own suffering and in
generally making others suffer.

It is true that a master degree, a phd, a recognition from a great school,
work, president or guru and having a lot of money will make our life better
and easier, but it won't make our hearts more sincere, pure and

The most powerful work of the heart is based in the small job of its humility.
Basically, the main message on this thought is that WE ARE NOT
BETTER, BIGGER or SMALLER than anyone else or anything else. Underneath all
this (flesh and bones) surface stuff, we are made of the same original matter; 
we are all floating in this great mystery, and we are all equal cells.

Only by accepting and embracing our smallness do we become a great whole;
it is easier to walk as tribe of humankind. It's the fundamental pillar to create happiness at work. And it's the best antidote against feeling inferior... How?
if we are already small. Because feeling tiny against the sun is the greatest feeling.
I wish you a beautiful (and simple) protection, a shield against the firey
flames of grandiosity, superiority, pomposity, pretense, and all kind
of paraphernalia. This shield will protect us and make us reflect on how to
aspire for big dreams, great goals, wonderful state of minds without
falling into the silent belief that we are "better than..."

Such a huge work to be small...

Happy happy new year!
This year is the year of the horse in the chinese calendar.
I am horse, but... since I'm in my "campaign on being small"
I found prudent to become a pony.
sending you all my light


Pss...If you want a copy of the painting "shield", send me an email
and I can share a PDF file ready for print.

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