Monday, November 10, 2008

Endurance art

"La finalidad del arte es curar. Si el arte no sana no es verdadero"
-- Alejandro Jodorowsky.

"The purpose of art is to heal. If art doesn't heal is not true art"

.......................................{I hope the translation is good.}
: )

*"Ascender del animal al hombre es perder el miedo. Qué miedo?.
Las bestias no tienen concepto de muerte, se conocen como una materia.
Su miedo esencial es perder la forma corporal"

"Ascending from animals to humans is losing fear. what fear?.
The beasts have no concept of death, they known their self as a matter.
Their fear is losing the corporeal form".

I found in "endurance art" a supreme medicine for the collective fear,
the most beautiful POETICAL ACT... with superhuman tears in da heart.
what medicine?
To realize the human potentialities for then transcended.
Sacrifice the personal and get the impersonal.

Brain fissure, heart fissure, believe system fissure, social fissure
to unconvinced the so convinced mechanical way
and then?... a collection of dimensions
we begin to have faith,
thanks to this new vision, exceptional events may occur.

Obedience and commitment are the foundation of the Faith.

A group of people under moral code authority,

beneath and covered by thruthfulness, energy, power, compassion.


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