Monday, November 21, 2011

Bill Gates and Don Francisco (what?)

I was 13 years old.
In my English class In my school In Cocoyoc;
we had to read two books (all in English).
Both of the books were small bios full of pictures.
The biographies were about Mother Teresa de Calcuta and
Bill Gates.

I love Mother Teresa and Bill Gates since then, very
very profoundly / p r o f u n d a m e n t e.

Past Saturday I was eating tacos in the Mission in San Francisco
in a Taqueria that looks very ugly but taste like oouh aaaah yei la la LAAA.
I order four tacos de Barbacoa (no manches!)
---la roja o la verde? -"las dos tan' re buenas..., pero prube la verde :) ---

In a good tipical taqueria, there is always a T.V.
I was facing the T.V.
(I was happy to see T.V. because I don't have T.V.)
I could see Don Francisco with his Sabado Gigante
I think Sabado Gigante exists since I was 5 years old?
anyway, I'm eating mis tacos...
I turn to see the T.V.
Bill and Melinda Gates with Don Francisco....hmmm

I mean Bill and Melinda are such.. good persons.
I only have WOWs for them and gratitude for my school that introduced me
Bill, Mother Teresa and many more wonderful people.

love it!

haaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

arriba los tacos de Barbacoa and Bill Gates!
que chistoso episodio, que chido



adc said...

Jamás lo hubiera imaginaaado!

Unknown said...

si estuvo rarisimo, casi se me atora el taco en la garganta, me costo trabajo entender lo que pasaba en el contexto en que me encontraba. Muy fuera de lugar todo pero fascinada.