Tuesday, June 28, 2011


The more i calm the inner beast of my self, 
the stronger the sound of the silence 
I can hear.


Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, June 27, 2011

My life is for itself and not for a spectacle

I do not wish to expiate, but to live. My life is for itself and not for a spectacle. I much prefer that it should be of a lower strain, so it be genuine and equal, than that it should be glittering and unsteady. I wish it to be sound and sweet, and not to need diet and bleeding. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

me and my troupe went to dance to a commercial event, kind of HUGE.
i was ok. 
then...i realized that i was not that 100% ok.
SO HARD to practice and practice and have to accept the MISTAKES 
as part of the "magic" road
It's so hard to fall in love of the unknown
it's so hard to love the world, the impermanence, the getting old
the distance, the inner - the outside wars
it's so hard to let go
and these days, even if the gray suit people have stolen my TIME
(not even time to type a word in this nattacolorina blog
or time to pray to all the highest superiors super superiors above)
it's so hard to fall in love of this daily mundane
that offers NO answers in the cornflakes box.

I'm just saying that it's not that easy to fall in love of this
whatever world, projection of the mind, illusory dream.

yet I'm not saying that i'm not happy
i keep smiling hard
(i'm ok)


it is my biggest work 
to leave behind all attachment of the self
it is my biggest daily thought
to make you happy and jump out of this SAMASARA, with-all-of-you. 
It is my biggest vision to focus in the inner path and become a wise
and keep calm while the tropical storm hits my mom's home.

sweet liberation is the goal.
no diets, keep calm, eat tacos


Thursday, June 16, 2011

The future is the indefinite

Good future means seeding Good Causes.
There are precise moments that twists our destiny,
There are irreversible choices irreversibly to change
(There is deep holes to jump.)
There is an inner mountain we all have to climb: Rain or Shine

May we all cross the borders of the Future, safely, happily and in unity.

A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his. – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Good people of the world, RESIST (with mucho amor)

Para leer en Español aqui

Every time I read something about Mexico, it is only but bloody bad news,
the last news have touched me very bad, and I still having troubles dealing with nightmares in my sleep, so sad.
The son of the poet and writer Javier Sicilia was murder by the organized crime just like thousands more innocent victims.

Journalist compare Mexico with Afghanistan (I still found this VERY difficult to believe) yet, there is not much to say, in few words:
Mexico's demons are out of control.

We need to recover the balance, specially in places like Darfur, Sudan, Afghanistan, DR Congo, Somalia, Iraq, Pakistan, Zimbabwe...
and -- Mexico --.
The real problem is that the bad people, this bunch of foul deformed people, are seducing, convincing, recruiting, training and manufacturing more bad people to keep delivering ignorance, terror and bloody nightmares.
How do we recover the balance? I humbly want to say that I am a fragile human being, I'm not a wise, yet, this is my message to the good people of the world:

  • Good people of the world, it is our mission to inspire, convince, recruit, train and create more good people, we have a contest to win, ---because if we lose it---, think <hell>.
  • Good people of the world, do not wait to be cheated, hurt, kidnapped, tortured... to take action and Inspire more people to walk the path of fraternity, solidarity.
  • Good people of the world, do not wait for a tsunami, an earthquake, a cancer, a heart disease, a terrorist attack  to push yourself to the edges of  goodness, selflessness, kindness, compassion.
  • Good people of the world resist the anger, the frustration and resist, resist, resist!, do not join the behavior of the haters, resist!; do not join the behavior of the apathetic, the behavior of the oblivion.
  • Good people of the world do not wait for the governments, the politics, the protesters, the prophets, the saints... to build more schools, more hospitals, to build more bridges, more culture, more fairness. Let's do it ourselves!
  • Good people of the world join  the architects, the constructors, the engineers, the donors, the volunteers, the transformers.
  • Good people of the world find the poor, embrace the unprivileged, shelter the vulnerable, love the ugly , touch the untouchable......because.... ---  If we not take care of them----, they will end up working for the insensitives, the murders, the cruels, the sadists, the organized crime.  And this band of mad flesh, these bloody beasts are going to eat  to all of us.

This is not about Republicans or Democrats, left or right, this is not about Jewish, Muslims, Christians, Hare Krishnas...
this is about good people.

To the villains of the world?

To the organized crime:
we are not afraid of your insect mentality,
we will fight you, catch you, touch you, transform you... and make you ---a good people---.
(you plague of killers!)
will give you a heart.

Resist Mexico.



I think I have Good news after all
These months my friends and me, we are performing at
De Young Museum,
The International Art Museum,
We are performing for YELP.com at the Craneway Pavilion
(dancing at 28 feet high!...oh my...)
at the International dance week
and more...
check here

with mucho amor.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Work, Trabajo, Lavoro, Le travail madames et messieurs!

It looks like the real work needs a little bit of Physics, Thermodynamics, human labor, theology and the most important... this kind of ability to exert pulls or PUSHES AGAINST the BASIC FORCES OF NATURE...along a path of certain length.
We need Energy, we need direction, we need a splendid heart, we need faith, we need a simple believe system with out limitations, and we need a impressive cognoscenti.
To get all of the above (i think) is the "work". 
There is no goal we can't achieve after we do the "work".


In physics:

Work: the amount of energy transferred by a force
W = F.d
work = Force and displacement

Work (thermodynamics): the quantity of energy transferred from one system to another

Human labor:

Labor (economics): measure of the work done by human beings

Manual labor: physical work done by people

Wage labor: in which a worker sells their labor and an employer buys it

Work (project management): the effort applied to produce a deliverable or accomplish a task

In theology:

Karma: causes the cycle of cause and effect, or Saṃsāra.

Work (Christian theology): acts of charity

Energy (Ancient Greek: ἐνέργεια energeia "activity, operation")
is an indirectly observed quantity. 
It is often understood as the ability a physical system has to do work on other physical systems.

 Since work is defined as a force acting through a distance (a length of space), energy is always equivalent to the ability to exert pulls or pushes against the basic forces of nature, along a path of a certain length.

Do your work, and I shall know you. Do your work, and you shall reinforce yourself. –
 Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, June 13, 2011

open to the unknown --- ABRETE---

“What alternative opportunities, interpretations and paths am I not seeing?”

 maybe we can't see them because the universe it's dark, so keep swimming! and turn on your stars.

When good is near you, when you have life in yourself, it is not by any known or accustomed way; you shall not discern the foot-prints of any other; you shall not see the face of man; you shall not hear any name; the way, the thought, the good, shall be wholly strange and new. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

music by Nosaj Thing.


Sunday, June 12, 2011


 How will you surprise yourself this week?  

I wanna keep a smile in my face,
no matter what.
Even if my roommates do something I won't like, or if the gas goes up, or if the peso goes down, or if the Taliban attacks. Or if my birds fly away, or if the hormones vengeance, or if no peace in the world, or if no love knocks at my door, or if my mom don't agree, or if the crane takes my car, or if this person shows up, or if I get sick, or if I marry a fat ugly man, or if the moon falls down, or if the sun quits to warm up, or if manyTsunamis are getting close and tornadoes taking my home... or just in case I don't get that job or a better good deal:
I would be surprised if I can keep a smile in my face.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

"Now Do. The Study. You Need. AND. No Fear will stop you."

"When the mind has no hindrance no fear exist"

 how ignorant are you?

The fool when he doesn't know he thinks he knows; when he knows, he doesn't know he knows.
The Wise when he doesn't know, he knows he doesn't know; When he knows, he knows that he knows.
(sounds better in Spanish or Mandarin, or Sanskrit)

"Now Do. The Thing. You Fear."
It's not about quitting your boring job,
It's not about having guts or super bravery.
It's not about yelling your "truth" to the world.

It's about facing IGNORANCE
it's about studying hard, Paying attention, observing,
and cultivating prajna. Accepting corrections.
It's about be prepared, ready, alert, and create the causes
for that BIG JUMP.

yet, i know, sometimes is easier to turn on the t.v. and have fun,
and use bad words.

These are the voices which we hear in solitude, but they grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world. Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members.
 – Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Now Do. The Study. You Need. AND. No Fear will stop you."

and eat ice cream!


Thursday, June 9, 2011

What is burning deep inside of me? If I could spread my personal message RIGHT NOW to 1 million people, what would I say?

Our hearts are like the resplendent Quetzal birds.

These largely solitary Quetzal birds can,

despite their bright plumage, 
be surprisingly difficult to see in their wooded habitats.

My dear one million people,
the dark tide is heavy and high.

Difficult to hide from electricity
difficult to hide from family
difficult to keep silence,
more difficult to have a private nanosecond
with our splendid heart.

We swim in the most scary, mysterious, unbelievable Dark matter, full of phenomenas, emptiness and forms.

Rush, Rush... Rush!! seed the urgency to aspire to a higher level of existence!
breathe in, suck up, draw in, inhale the power of generosity and kindness and 
por favor... in the name of "The rays that come from those heavenly worlds"
share this luminous force with the world!!!!!

To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

con amor

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I'm afraid of loosing my friends, my stability, my birds, my mom!, my brother!, my teeth, my hair, my car, my "me"... the more detached the more high we can fly. #trust30

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cinco años

Five Years by Corbett Barr

There will be an agreement in whatever variety of actions, so they be each honest and natural in their hour. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

What would you say to the person you were five years ago? What will you say to the person you’ll be in five years?

My dear natta, 
I know that you have had it easy (almost) all your life,
but this time, you need to endure, and do not throw so many tears to the empty space,
because it's just the beginning and you will have the most terroristic nightmares.
I'm telling you:-- "save some tears", because things will come SLOW, yet, doors will open. 
There won't be love, yet there will be Wisdom.
You won't have your family next to you; you'll have solitude.
Fear will be your last name, can you change that (por favor)?.
Dharma Protectors will guide you and your Holly Master will be by your side. Yet keep praying
and practicing.

You had the choice, blue pill or red pill.
the TRUTH is difficult to believe, and very very difficult to align your life with such a deep trascedental suchness.
You'll be tempted so MANY times, and ... I'm sorry to tell you this, but... you need to taste the bitterness of failure, weakness, fear, solitude, sadness, sorrow, pain and the most horrible nostalgic feelings..., in this way...you will increase your levels of compassion to a higher transformational peak level.
You will become stronger. BELIEVE ME
You will be doing amazing things, living among the gringos, praying among Asians, and sometimes having hallucinations of Mexican tropical Paradises while driving in those crazy Californian highways...yet, you'll become a courageous panther.
do not cry so much! I'm telling you!!!!!!!!!!

and... in some point, in the road, you'll find a collection of monkish looking warriors, one of them is a great Alquimist:
Seth Godin... follow him.

keep jumping natta, do not give up my little warrior
the smallest of the small. You'll harvest your mission successfully

natta from the Future.

I told you, "there is always a big reward after eating bitterness"
(Chinese proverb)
I told you, "no hay mal que por bien no venga"
(Mexican proverb)
I told you how small the world looks like when cultivating Wisdom.
and now you have a new great family, and you did things that you never expect.
And all your dreams became real!
(sorry you are gringa now) 
If you wanna leave this planet.
you are in peace.
