Monday, November 10, 2008

Chapter 1 and a half.

Tooday is a (very good) foogy MoonDay. :)

"The second first time I saw magia"

I had a hunch something magic was going to happen. I could FEEL it with all my nonsense, so hard. 

Looking everywhere around, dónde?, where? and what?... I stop behind the fence staring at the cows, and just there in front of my nose, no more of twenty steps, our favorite cow "La Tablilla" started to perform magic for me, nobody around. Paralyzed and enchanted my eyes were as big as two full moons, la Tablilla was giving a birth, la Tablilla was pushing a baby out of her body.
 I didn't know how, we, the mammiferous born, excuse me I didn't have any idea about reproduction, neither that the world was divided by borders and frontiers; I didn't know we have to pay tax or have ID to identify ourselves when we grow up, or that intelligent scientific like to make bombs. 
I was six. I sincerely believed la Tablilla was a magic cow (period). 
 My father arrived and smile, he said better go look for mom. 
My mom gave me a talk about magic, nature, cycles, life and death.

A pompous speech I remember.


Magik trick

Lunes 19 de Mayo, 200000008.
:) is sunny.

Chapter one:
"The first TiMe I saw a Magic trick"
(primera vez en la vida que veo Magia)

My mother says that I survived my tiny childhood
with rice-milk and candies; I didn't like to eat at all.
This is very normal among little kids, for some strange
reason food is not interesting in those early times.

My parents did have big problems trying to feed me,
they try all ways, good and bad ones, whit none result,
until my mom had the good idea to perform magic.

We were at the dinning room, my mother said:
-- "Muñequita mia" (that means my little doll) "if you eat
five spoons of soup, I will appear a pink chewing gum from
the nothingness! only for you".
-- "I would like to see first", I said. (i been always very precocious)
-- "Okey, mira (look) nada por aqui, nada por aca
(nothing over here, nothing over there, she show me her empty
hands) abracadabra patas de cabra (that means
something cadabras goat legs) and TA Taaan"!!!!
a chewing gum in her hand!!!
I devored the five spoons of soup with out complains.
So exited I was, my mom's pinkchewingum-magic worked
very good, I ate diligently until I found out my mom's trick
so I lost the appetite again.

here a video:

"Bubble Gum - How is made"

and this is something that I found randomly,
"The Bubblegum Sequencer - Making Music With Candy"

I feel like chewing gum and dancing write now.


Endurance art

"La finalidad del arte es curar. Si el arte no sana no es verdadero"
-- Alejandro Jodorowsky.

"The purpose of art is to heal. If art doesn't heal is not true art"

.......................................{I hope the translation is good.}
: )

*"Ascender del animal al hombre es perder el miedo. Qué miedo?.
Las bestias no tienen concepto de muerte, se conocen como una materia.
Su miedo esencial es perder la forma corporal"

"Ascending from animals to humans is losing fear. what fear?.
The beasts have no concept of death, they known their self as a matter.
Their fear is losing the corporeal form".

I found in "endurance art" a supreme medicine for the collective fear,
the most beautiful POETICAL ACT... with superhuman tears in da heart.
what medicine?
To realize the human potentialities for then transcended.
Sacrifice the personal and get the impersonal.

Brain fissure, heart fissure, believe system fissure, social fissure
to unconvinced the so convinced mechanical way
and then?... a collection of dimensions
we begin to have faith,
thanks to this new vision, exceptional events may occur.

Obedience and commitment are the foundation of the Faith.

A group of people under moral code authority,

beneath and covered by thruthfulness, energy, power, compassion.


Arnold J. Toynbee

"Those of our human kind who have done the most to ameliorate the life of human on Earth
have not been the scientists, with all their wonderful and laudable discoveries,
nor the inventors or technicians, nor leaders of industrialism, nor the captains and the kings and the statesmen,
but the *prophets and *saints."
"The works of artist and men of letters outlive the deeds of business men, soldiers and statesmen.
The poets and philosophers outrage the historians; while the prophets and saints overtop and outlast them all."

Professor Arnold J. Toynbee

Saturday, November 8, 2008

four leaves clover, new york - tepoztlan

I have my cards now, I choose my conscious one: "the two of hearts",
why? because is always good to cultivate a heart so powerful just like if we have two hearts.
Then I have my subconscious card: "the nine of clubs",
here I just shuffle and shuffle the cards, cut and shuffle [i like the word shuffle, it sounds shuff : )]
until my card 9clubs JUMP!.
Wow, I love my cards, here the magic,
If you add 2+9=11, if you 1+1=2... ta ta tan!
Nine is magic because if you add nine to any number it is like if you never add,
for example:
7439, if you add 7+4+3+9=23 so 2+3=5...
if you do it with out 9 is the same: 7+4+3=14...4+1=5
this is a very elementary old school trick... I know.
; )
I got inspire to make my own subconscious card:

This four leaves clover has been with me since long time agou... 
The first time i went to Manhattan city was something I didn't plan at all;
my best friends from Venezuela call me and invited me to go very suddenly,
I only had money for the airplane, and just a little little extra for survive.

In my town we have very special hills and everybody know
that at the top of the hill "cerro de la luz" [hill of the light]  millions of four leaves clovers grow in the summer, the hugest ones ever!;
I cut them, dry them and pack them to go...
We sold them all...except this one I kept for me.  Together with my friends, we had a terrific magik time selling them, we couldn't believe it and people couldn't believe it neither. 
But they bought them with desperation. 
So funny. So special, So NY, so so four leaves clover...
